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  • I
    lol yea i know. i put in my sig
    I figure that it really isn't that big of a deal in the long run. As much as I want to stay so I can continue helping other people and attempt to provide a positive gaming experience, not being allowed to stay would prove the point so many have tried to make to me. I guess I just don't want it to be true, but as I stand here struggling to prove my innocence, it seems more apparent.

    I suppose I am more forgiving right now because I'm trying to be optimistic. But at the same time, the pessimism is creeping in. I will never admit to doing something wrong if I didn't, and I will fight this ridiculous battle no matter what because I can't sit back and watch the injustice. Who will it be next? At what point is someone going to wake up and say...that is a little sketchy?

    Talk to you in a few weeks. I'm moving today :(
    supposedly for being a bad ginger! i'm hoping it gets appealed because i really don't see where i was at fault in any of my actions. but the decision is not mine to make.

    my favorite part of that fabulous Mr Bill quote is, "don't let your personal bias towards someone cloud your judgment." That is actually what I am most afraid of, well, not afraid, has happened, but again, nothing i can do.

    I can only rely on the Council to see both sides and gather the stories of all individuals that were present. Either way, I hold nothing against the community, or any of its members. I'm glad that I have the support of some. They don't even know the specifics of what happened and they still have my back because they knew me as an active individual that kept involved with whomever needed my assistance.

    I guess I'm just thankful for the leaders I had in the community that taught me so well.
    "People in this community sadden me. Its truly depressing to see something that I once enjoyed so much turn into an e-power struggle. When people get downtrodden in real life I guess their only escape is to come on the internet and act big and tough. Oh well. The close mindedness of this community is unparalleled.

    In short, anyone reading this, don't let your personal bias towards someone cloud your judgment."

    -Xx Mr Bill xX
    Hey did you used to be in KoG Panic a while back? You were in KoG Darkslayers squad I think. At the time I was Killer Whiplash, blue squad. I dunno if you remember me. But hit me up if you get your XBL account working. I will get you into SYN if you want.
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