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  • Damon, due to Porshia telling me that if there is a capt and 3 Lt's one of the LT's has to be made a capt and start to split out the clan into squads with a Lt under each capt. At this time I have made a decision to make Frosted a capt so i can update the clan list and get the clan split into squads.
    Damon, don't get me wrong, but I am getting complaints about you. Some are saying that you are not setting an example being a capt. with the complaining and rage quitting during the matches. I know all the paperwork and making sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed and it gets to be a stressful time but some of the people are worried that you are not doing your job as capt. here in XGC. Let me know how its going and lets see what needs to be done ok.
    Its going to be either Chrono Damon or Damon Chrono........i wanted to make it Chrono der Damon, but it was too long
    just stopping by to say hi and put some words on your page...let me know what you are going to change your name to.
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