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  • Several months ago me and several other SYN members took the initiative to create a more casual gaming atmosphere with the Dynasty Vanguard clan. We require no website process, no "tests of strength" (unless you'd wish to prove yourself) and the only purpose of squads and clans are for allocation of responsibilities (so 1 person isn't responsible for 50 people) and squad/clan battles :)

    Message me GT: DrinkableTrees if you are interested :) We already are coming close to 50 people as we have been trying to recruit slow and become good friends with everyone old and new in our clan. So long as you're willing to treat a video game as a video game and not a military and you're down for some friends to hook up with for a quick game or... thirty.. (it can get to that), then do as i instructed! See you all on the battlefield!:cool:
    It's a pleasure to pursue the objective of involving myself in the community. Can't wait to get to know everyone!

    I'll be available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC and Kik! :) Message me on here for further details and whatnot.
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