
20 Year old female gamer, born and bred in England, that makes me ENGLISH not British!!!!

I'm entering the Royal Air Force in August 09, oh yeah baby! So that'll be Corporal Jenscorp to you :p!

Seeings as this is a Gaming forum I'll explain my gaming personality in a few words; I play for fun and don't take it too seriously, though i do like to do my best and am competitive! In games like Left4Dead (my favourite shooter) I wont leave anyone behind...unless they're a **** of course haha, but yeah I believe in team work :). In Ace Combat 6 i fly the SU-47 QAAMs or SAAMs are my style. I'd say I'm quite good, not amazing like some Aces out there but I'll give you a good Dog Fight.
Other favourites are Oblivion, Fable 2, Turok, TC:LV2 and NFS series.

More a list of things i like: Gaming (of course), Art, Drawing, Music, Cars, Planes, Theatre, Movies, Gym, Running, Keeping fit, Spontaneous moments, Animals, Travel, Thunder and Lightning, LOST, NCIS, finding money! Shopping, Airports, Food, Starsigns, Snowball fights, Comedy, Writing, Random Drives, Tennis, Basketball...and i can't think of anything else of the top of my head right now
Gaming Community
  1. KoG
Gaming Consoles
  1. XBOX 360
  1. Female
Will be Royal Air Force Police
What Goes Around, Comes Around


