Letting everyone know if you see me on COD shoot me an invite u need help ranking up and a team that communicates with each other on. Hope to play soon with some of you
Hows everyone been doin? I've been pretty good just working and spending time with family. Just wanting to say if anyone would like to play some modern warfare Iinvite me and I'll play but one thing I turn cross platform off cant stand playing cross play ok. Have a great night everyone
Does anyone wanna play some modern warfare and help me rank up because random people dont talk and will not communicate with there team and communication is key to victory
Everyone click my xbox link I'm on all week after work unless I work over and I'm on every weekend once again unless i have to work add me let's play I hate running with randoms who dont talk or communicate
Letting everyone know I do work Monday thru Friday 2pm to 10pm central time I am on every night after work to play and on every weekend unless they schedule me to work I hate playing with random people because they dont play right they dont communicate and they wanna be in Partys with friends on opposite team and tell them whichat way we running and what were doing I want people to be on how hard is it to have people online when I'm on yes it's late but i wanna work on getting stuff unlocked and rank up but cant do that with random idiots they dont know nothing so add me everyone let's play I mainly do hardcore DOM and CONTROL I'll play TDM If we hold spawns I play blackout only rank 7 but I need help there to but zombies is my game I love zombies but add me let's play when I'm online
MW2 is backwards who wanna play and also can everyone report this gamertag I'm posting he is a cheater the gamertag is Concussioncz he runs in God mode in every game cod and gta
I know I don't play like I use to but I do work and I wanna get back in to COD if I can find a team to play with and play what modes I play and zombies also so let's play add me if you haven't yet JOK3R J 83 let's play everyone ok
What's up everyone I've been working 6 days a week not been able to get to meetings which hope soon I will be back to 5 days a week then I can do meetings Sundays be paitent let's game
Hey everyone how y'all doin haven't been on in a while been working more if y'all wanna play invite me COD zombies, GTA5, rainbow six siege terrorist hunt