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  • BigBadWolf224 - Xbox 360 - Hardcore Black Ops II

    I'll have her on the website for you, you'll just have to get her in your permission groups

    Ok i lied i gotta go ill sign her up on the website later.
    Hey have a potential recruit. 15 years old. Name is Sh4dowFox25. Plays Destiny and a lot of CoD. Various types. You were the only KoG 360 group that I saw.
    Hi I have a recruit for you :)

    His gamertag is: FaZz Primary he is 14.

    Please contact him, He is very interested in joining the community.
    Anyone trying to contact me for a potential recruit please send me a private message or post on here. Also have them send a friend request to: dutifulconch12 - is only temporary! I will have my other account back soon! Thanks!
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