K K KoG SHOWTYME Nov 17, 2008 Yo crazy man i think i speak for all of our section and you will be very missed.... hope life goes well and maybe see you back soon!
Yo crazy man i think i speak for all of our section and you will be very missed.... hope life goes well and maybe see you back soon!
XGC Black0ps Nov 5, 2008 What are you doing at home this morning ? Just wanted to drop by and say hello.
X X xM3X1CANxJ0K3Rx Jul 4, 2008 Hey can u approve me for the clan i was recruited by KoG DeViL Dog. Gamertag.. xM3X1CANxJ0K3Rx
E E elite genraI 111 Jun 26, 2008 hey crazy can you put me into the clan i have been recruited but i havent made a XG account till today plz put me in that clan (gamer tag: ELITE GENRAI 11
hey crazy can you put me into the clan i have been recruited but i havent made a XG account till today plz put me in that clan (gamer tag: ELITE GENRAI 11
K K KoG Openfire Jun 10, 2008 Hey crazy whats up? i was wondering if there was a generals class that anyone will be holding soon. thanks bro, openfire
Hey crazy whats up? i was wondering if there was a generals class that anyone will be holding soon. thanks bro, openfire