21jul 2012 saturday meeting notes
via game and prviate chat on xbox and halo reach
KOG Darkbladez
Bobo Antiphish
Darklight Wolf
Nuclear Warhead (spelled without the numbers)
KOG sassy cat
KOG Nappa was well Nappa
snipermike223 couldnt get online sharing internet with parents and siblings since moved back home with his parents i will back brief him
weekly goals input
better planning and communcations in the clans
custom challenges on HALO games Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST, REACH
usergroup membership updates
get at least 1 recruit per week to join clan
possible Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST gamenights
reiterated that recruiting needs a Lt or above present when recruiting new person to clan
age is no longer accepting 13 yo if i heard correctly
important topics from generals council meeting you talked about
clan support on HALO 4, and COD elite
thats all i have
siochan agus slainte
peace and health