Recent content by LeYirS

  1. LeYirS

    Potential Team Activities (2019 Update)

    (This list was created originally w/ the idea of applying it within my clan, but the way I see it I believe other players could get behind one, or two, or more of these ideas - Especially w/holidays coming up) Potential Team Activities 10-03-2019, 09:55 AM I had created a page for this exact...
  2. LeYirS

    PENDING: Design Team Application

    Design Team - 1st Submission XGC LeYirS Sergeant (Adobe- 2015 .CC) Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator Scribus (low proficiency) Availability: 3 Days a Week 4 Yrs+ Work Done In: Dual Enrollment Courses during HS College Level Hobby, Personal Work - Artwork For (Personally Owned Small...
  3. LeYirS


    Leyirs, has just made a donation in the amount of USD10! You can check out the full contributions list by going here, Contributions List. If you wish to also contribute, you can go here, Contribute Thanks Leyirs, from the staff at Xiled Gaming