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  • hey can u have white tiger message me or soldier cuz i have no idea which clan im in andreason being is i dont have money to renew my acc and im stuck right now i also sold my 360 to my bro not my acc, but i wanna stay in the community. i do have my laptop and internet, and i play a game called LoL, so i was hoping maybe XGC could make a squad or even a clan for League of Legends, i have a cpt thats wanting to talk to some higher ups to get a clan goin for LoL, i also been getting players interested, so the amount of members for the new one if its possible wont be a problem. itl help grow the community in which i love. if i ever get out of the situation im in il play 360 some more. but i dont wanna leave XGC it self. also if needed can you relay the message to either soldier or white. whichever clan im in.
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