Recent content by OGxFUBAR

  1. O

    Hi. I am not a bot.

    Hey, I am not sure the last time I was here to be honest with you, life has been an absolute Rollercoaster in the past 2 years. Moved country, moved home then again, a 70 hour a week job I'm holding down, two kids, married. The house I moved too has no internet, until I managed to scrape...
  2. O


    Hi all, this is a reintroduction of myself, i joined this community a couple of years ago; Originally from London, i have now moved on alot since i was last around. I've moved....! Not to a cardboard box of my dreams, but something very close to a cardboard box and it's idealistic ways...
  3. O


    Welcome; overseen the design area here recently and i think there is a positive group of artists here which is hard to come by usually in gaming forums. Finally found time to join in to a group of gamers last night so here is my design showcase. I've been designing for over a decade as a...