SYN Lyrikz Jun 7, 2011 hey man just checkin to see if ur still in SYN if so hit me up on Xbox live my g tag is XGC Lyrikz hope to talk to u soon.
hey man just checkin to see if ur still in SYN if so hit me up on Xbox live my g tag is XGC Lyrikz hope to talk to u soon.
X X XGC Atelophobia Feb 5, 2011 hey when you get a chance chnage your username on the site if you need help let me know
X X XGC Atelophobia Feb 5, 2011 direct link for the forums :D
X X XGC Atelophobia Jan 21, 2011 OH EM GEEE its dayan lol if you need help finding your way to the forums let me know and ill post the direct url to your page
OH EM GEEE its dayan lol if you need help finding your way to the forums let me know and ill post the direct url to your page