hey man are we going to be put into squads soon and could u mabey throw an idea for a new banner and need to talk to ppl to get them posting in the forums because they havent been that much. well thats all i got to say right now ttyl
Iam in the need of help, i am KoG Kenji a Captain from KoG Honor. i am hosting a meeting but a conflict has been brought to my attention. privates have not been recruited right either cause there recruiter didnt get taught right or doesnt know there stuff. I have beewn asked on how to become a sergent and i asked simple questions to see were the fellow is and the general at the time did not follow orders. what should i do?
hey i wanna join legacy, my friends play for atrocity xk and they told me to join a cool clan and dis looks like da clan i wanna join, so yea plz get back to me on joining dis clan my gamertag is ClintCarlson