S S SYN Blind King Jan 28, 2018 My clan was disbanded and haven't been able to contact anyone so I can get active in a clan again. Someone hit me up please I miss my clan.
My clan was disbanded and haven't been able to contact anyone so I can get active in a clan again. Someone hit me up please I miss my clan.
XGC SinCity Oct 4, 2014 Your banner request is available for pick up here: http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthrea...45#post3120445
Your banner request is available for pick up here: http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthrea...45#post3120445
K K KoG Reeferfool Sep 13, 2014 Fair warning if you don't accept my friend request I will be heartbroken are you prepared to live with that?
Fair warning if you don't accept my friend request I will be heartbroken are you prepared to live with that?
S S SYN Blind King Sep 8, 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYM-RJwSGQ8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
XGC Bradshaw90 Jul 22, 2014 Sig is done and ready to be picked up....if you want something changed or added just let me know http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?309506-Sig-pickup-for-KoG-Hell-Boy
Sig is done and ready to be picked up....if you want something changed or added just let me know http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?309506-Sig-pickup-for-KoG-Hell-Boy
S S SYN MossyOak Jul 3, 2014 Ah yeah it has grown into quite a large place in recent years there for a while Rutherford County was the third fastest growing county in the nation
Ah yeah it has grown into quite a large place in recent years there for a while Rutherford County was the third fastest growing county in the nation
S S SYN MossyOak Jul 3, 2014 Hey Chaos, the other day u left me a message wondering what city i was from and its Murfreesboro if that helps any
Hey Chaos, the other day u left me a message wondering what city i was from and its Murfreesboro if that helps any
F F FaceUp Jun 29, 2013 Please post your story in the RROD forum or you will be removed from the group. Thanks. http://www.xiledgaming.com/forumdisplay.php?4278-Red-Rings-of-Death-Victim
Please post your story in the RROD forum or you will be removed from the group. Thanks. http://www.xiledgaming.com/forumdisplay.php?4278-Red-Rings-of-Death-Victim