Anyone looking to get your Privates and Sergeants into a BASIC TRAINING COURSE please feel free to send them to me. I will be hosting Basic Training Courses Friday's Saturday's and Sunday's -->Click Here for them to sign up
Whats Up. I want to apologize for not making it to the last 3. 1 of them I was out of town the others have been because I am not sleeping well to a major lower back pain issue and I cant seem to stay awake for the meetings. I find myself falling asleep around 8:30. I then get back up around 11:00ish and am up for a few hours after that. I really am trying to attend.
Internet got cut off. I don't know for how long. It's unfortunate. Not only that, My car crapped out, this girl I like friend-zoned me, and I have college homework. The real world sucks!