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  • OK well if you want both you can have both. I will send the codes for both to you Inbox. Just to let you know if you try to upload it to the website and it comes up invalid or image to big, the website is having a problem uploading images right now.
    OK! Here is what I have come up with. Let me know what you think, if you want one or if you want something different!!


    Or this has a border

    Yea I can make that for ya. give me some time and I will have it for you..........maybe tomorrow or the next day!!
    Hello Teddy, Just need to let you know that Clan List and Squad list are for just that.
    The Clan List ( ran by the General ) and squad list ( ran by the Captain of that squad ).

    I placed a sticky on you clan compete post so it will stay near the top. Thanks for taking the initiative to start a new clancompete team... keep up the great work... Let me know if I can help in any way.
    LMAO!! I just realized I spelled your gamer tag wrong. Give me a sec and I will fix it!!!

    Fixed, LOL sorry!!

    OK so here are 2 to choose from let me know which one , if any you like. If you dont want either one I can work on something different, just let me know what you decide!!

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