Welcome to Xiled Gaming Community and to XGC ATROCITY XK
Your Section Leader is: XGC POKER XS
Your General is: XGC SEPT 11 343
A-Team leaders are
Captain is: XGC TallBawls
Lieutenant is: XGC TeezyBoom
HeadHunter leaders are
Captain is: XGC mANE2FrSH
Lieutenant is: PsychoPatH840
CLAN meetings are SUNDAY 9:30 PM Central Time and make up meetings are WEDNESDAY 930 PM Central Time
MAP LEARNING is Tuesday nights 9:30 Central ( Get with XGC SEPT 11 343 if you have any queations )
ELITE - (Ask XGC SEPT 11 343 to receive a clan invite)
CLAN COMPETE (Get with XGC SEPT 11 343 For more information)
You should be posting in the forums under XGC ATROCITY XK, which can be found here:
You can post in this forum after you reach the rank of Private. Welcome to XGC ATROCITY XK. If you have any questions at all, please contact me on here through a message or on xbox!!