XGC ChunkierDBo

well first off the first clan i was ever in was XGC Basic then our clan split and i was sent over to XGC Galactica and after being with galactica for a few years eduring a whole lot of clan hit's and what not I finally rose to the rank of Captian then when the general for my clan at the time decided he needed to step down as general and demote himself to a Capt. and besides giving a Gen. position to one of the Capts. in the clan they shut Galactica down and transfered all of us over to the XG clan known as X1led Gaming Co. then when Halo 3 came out my clan basicly died and it wasent until I met XGC Mav Jet known now as XGC Maverick XS that me and two of my other friends in XG (XGC Trained and XGC Unstable) got transfered over to the clan I am in now XGC Decivable and so far that has ben my roller coaster ride here in XGC.

My main hobby is collecting cards
North Carolina
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. XBOX 360
  2. PlayStation 3
  1. Male
when the rich wage war its the poor who die

