UnicornXpress48 Mar 26, 2014 Nice meeting you! I think ive played with you a few times in black ops...? I could be wrong but you have a great night
Nice meeting you! I think ive played with you a few times in black ops...? I could be wrong but you have a great night
X X xXSimplySarahXx Mar 24, 2014 Yup yup.! Alright I'll get on and accept it right meow.! I won't be able to officially get on until tonight after I get out of school.!
Yup yup.! Alright I'll get on and accept it right meow.! I won't be able to officially get on until tonight after I get out of school.!
X X xXSimplySarahXx Mar 24, 2014 Exactly.! You should have. So mean.! Hahah. Just kidding.! We should game sometime. Just add me.!
X X XGC CR0SSFIRE Mar 24, 2014 If anyone sent me a message in the last hour please resend .... Thank you
S S SYN Neko Mar 24, 2014 I'm alright, how about yourself? I was curious about your beard. It's really awesome looking.
XGC SouthrnHuss Mar 20, 2014 10/4 big man probably not this week but i got spring break the following im counting down the days i tell ya lmao
10/4 big man probably not this week but i got spring break the following im counting down the days i tell ya lmao
XGC SouthrnHuss Mar 18, 2014 sup crossfire im good just busy as all get out with school and everything else