Sunday meeting notes
Generals have fun with your clan! Include everyone with what you do. Have your captains hold game nights and/or play against each squads. Make things fun!
Lets keep the "good game" going at the end of the game. Remember we are a respectful community with respectful gamers. Say good game at the end of the match.
Generals please continue to prepare your clan for Advance Warfare. Please be messaging your inactive members as a lot of them may be coming back active because they are just burned out on Ghost.
Games coming out in the near future
2 Weeks COD Advance Warfare: 11/3/14
3 Weeks Halo Master Chief Collection: 11/11/14
3 Weeks Assassins Creed Unity: 11/11/14
4 Weeks Grand Theft Auto V: 11/18/14
4 Weeks Dragon Age Inquisition: 11/18/14