X X XGC GHOUL Jul 21, 2016 Official name change request XGC WHITE PALADIN XGC BUCKAROO XGC TURD. LOL jk
X X XGC CDiesel Apr 25, 2016 Congratulations on your promotion to Captain of your own Squad.....keep of the good work man!!!
XGC Afina Jan 12, 2016 I'll say a hell yeah to that!! Anytime, dude. Just drag me off Star Wars Battlefront sometime or jump on with me. P:
I'll say a hell yeah to that!! Anytime, dude. Just drag me off Star Wars Battlefront sometime or jump on with me. P:
XGC OZ XS Sep 13, 2015 Love you too man. Start singing the Jeffersons theme song. Cause that's what we'll be doing!
SacredChaos24 Sep 10, 2015 They should do pretty good this year, a contender for sure. Its all gonna depend on if they stay healthy or not and if the O-line isn't terrible.
They should do pretty good this year, a contender for sure. Its all gonna depend on if they stay healthy or not and if the O-line isn't terrible.
K K KoG ICEE Sep 9, 2015 Yeah he did lol. I have a one for you guys as well just been a hit and miss with catching OZ lol. But I'll get with him.
Yeah he did lol. I have a one for you guys as well just been a hit and miss with catching OZ lol. But I'll get with him.
K K KoG ICEE Sep 9, 2015 Just woke uP brah. How are you? I'm not getting any recruits if your sending them to me. No one has hit me up or anything. Bahaha
Just woke uP brah. How are you? I'm not getting any recruits if your sending them to me. No one has hit me up or anything. Bahaha