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  • Hey man good to see you back. I'm the new General for Vigilance. I saw back a few years ago you were pretty active. I just want to let you know that Vigilance is a Hardcore Call of Duty Black Ops clan now. I know it used to be all Halo. Do you want a clan that plays halo? Send me a friend request on Xbox and we'll talk it out. Thanks!
    will do nubby, wow it has been a while sense i heard anything from you. where have you been? Im running our newest division XDC (Xiled Design Clans) that deals with all things media based. We have our own rank structure and honor code thats very similar to xgc's but with our own needs in mind. Right now we are doing Graphic Design, News & Community Events. Much, much more to come very soon. If your wanting a clan that plays reach, i know XGC BASIC does and some of my guys do as well. you could come over her with me and do some media.
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