XGC Buffy XD Jun 4, 2018 Excited to see you continue to grow in your new position aa captain. Keep up the great work!
XGC Gore Jun 4, 2018 Congratulations on your promotion to Captain, ya punk! Keep up all of your hard work.
XGC Gore May 21, 2018 Congratulations on your promotion to Lieutenant, "Anaurism". I look forward to working with you.
X X xSquinto Mar 13, 2018 Geez didnt know you were that sweaty. We may have to make a permanent ranked team. Lol
XGC Tantaliz XC Feb 19, 2018 Look who decided to join after all! Don't forget to join the Xiled Gamer Girlz user group!
X X XGC Koala Feb 19, 2018 Damn, Gore beat me to it. Oh well. Glad to have recruited one of my best friends(you) into the community! I can't wait to play more r6 with you.
Damn, Gore beat me to it. Oh well. Glad to have recruited one of my best friends(you) into the community! I can't wait to play more r6 with you.
XGC Gore Feb 19, 2018 Welcome to Kings! It's about time you decided to join. Haha, glad to have you here with us.