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  • O and if your thinking of the wireless for xbox it worth it if you have to run a eithernet cable a long ways i had to run one for about 35 feet andit goes though the hall and in to the bed room and trip on it i have the wireless and love the thing that what i use all the time when you an me played
    lol def got it but not sure exactly what everything is haent used it in so long its not funny i usually go to meebo
    i'll probably just go buy a landline connection then. nothin like 100mbps compared to 10. it'll be good though. yo, got aim? if ya do tell me what your sn is
    he said if your gonna be using wifi thats there or something like that that u dont have to pay for it would probably be worth it depending on how close you are to the wifi central point
    sandman says its good and bad its not really worth it unless your goin to have cords running all over the place to do it if your router is in the same room youd prolly be cheaper with a landline he said you still have to have the service in the first place in with the wireless tho
    idk im asking sandman on msn real quick im on a landline i think ur gonna need a new xbox live subscription 2 arent you
    idk i think sandman uses them i think it really depends on your location out here where im at it sucks lol bu im also in the middle of nowhere
    been pretty good. just stocked up on food for a while. got my box shipped out today from home so with some luck i'll be back on by wednesday. i either have to set up a landline or get the wifi connector thing for the xbox. do you know if that's any good?
    lol yea i know how you feel i was offline there for a few months because of some family issues and my finger started twitching lol
    bummer man that suck sorry it's not all you though it would be thats the army though. so there sending you out in feb. wow that fast do you know where they we be sending you? well i hope that your able to get back on next week it would be great to play some cod 4 with you again it's been way to long sence we last pop some noobs on that game
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