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  • Hello everyone visiting my page.
    I have left XGC.
    Due to the fact that the amount of drama I encountered.
    At 29 years old something is not right when I turn on my game and think "I'll go offline so I don't have to deal with any of today's crap."
    So I will exit gracefully with no hard feelings.
    Take care
    Ill be working on the video call out vault tomorrow. hopefully I can get it together and get one made with sound. will be nice to record the training sessions for any one to view latter and at their own pace. we will see.
    what is going on? Ive got some thoughts I want to bring to you. I have been reading about XGC but I don't see anything about 9th legion. when we were formed. any history. how we grew. that type of stuff. who could we suggest this to to possibly get some history together.
    hey if you havent join a clan yet. Would you be interested in joining SYN Lust 7 we play on xbox 360 and our main games are MW3 Bf3 and Gow3.
    Why did you bother requesting a sig while you had another request with firesaver This wastes my time We work really hard and spend our own time to fill requests and it sucks to see it be wasted while I could have filled a request for someone else
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