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  • yeah i will let you know what he has to do, and i will try to taalk to the guy tonight for sure, and i will catch you on later.
    Hey i found you someone to talk to for your brother, his gamertag is KoG Operator, so i will try to get a time when you both are on so you can talk to him and get your brother to talk to him to get him into a clan.
    Ya I noticed that. Well I appreciate the offer to play with you guys. I usually hate playing domination but that was fun last night. I have never played that good on that game. Btw, do i need to change my clan tag or anything? I know i cant change my gamertag just not sure about the clan tag.
    its cool no big deal, i am just trying to give you the welcoming that i got into the community here. It truly is a great place i love this group of people. We are kind of like one big family
    ha i was looking at your profile trying to figure out which group you are in and it had a message from someone welcoming you to betrayal. ha ha sorry im just looking forward to playing with you guys no rush.
    your actually going to want to go to xplicit haha, im not in betrayal, but go to that and i will catch up with you later i am web browsing at the moment so i am a bit busy.

    Who told you to go betrayal, out of curiosity
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