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  • hey man, just became a pvt yestarday, is there any way i can get a list of the people i would need to add to my friends list for the clan? i wanna try to get the most out of the clan, and doin so would be gettin to know each of the clan members and having a good time gaming, (mainly codBO) while following the rules.
    Whats up man...I have new members that need to be added to the your Squad List. wildfire and JEFFISGOD. If you have any questions please let me know. Talk to you later bud.
    White tiger
    Hi I'm Josch
    I'm a dojo private and I'm very happy with my clan I don't wanna change anyway I am from Australia and during my gaming time is when most Americans are asleep because it's like 3-4-5-6 in the morning so usually I have to find XGC members of other clans to play with so we kind of have a mix squad or they invite me because they don't have enough people playing in the morning and I also want to meet other XGC people aswell since ur a leader of your squad and u seem decent by some of ur posts would u and ur clan mates like a chat laugh joke etc.. With other XGC people?
    Whats up whitetiger, hey i currently have a sig now but would love to have a new one if you have a chance please let me know iif you can hook me up if so i will give you all the details on what i like.....thanks man have a great day
    that is a great question, I became moderator, when I got section Leader..at that time they had many moderators, that where Generals or lower ranks in the community. I will foward that question up the chain of comand. They did do away, with lower ranks moderating because it was abused by them more often then section leaders and division leaders.
    all my tuts are on my other computer i dont have right now :( but look up gimp sig tuts on deviantart and youtube and do a few let me check out your result when i get my computer back ill send ya the ones i used :)
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