To all those who view my proflie, be sure to "invade" your fellow Division's clans. Just post up an invasion alert post on the clan's forum and post that they will need to post in your clan's forum too as a way to retaliate. It's a trust building exercise and it's a fun way to make more friends.
I am back in Xiled Gaming after a few years! I feels AMAZING being back in this epic and awestricking gaming community. Thank you all who helped me come home. The grass was indeed not greener on the other side.
Internet got shut off. Saddly I have to use someone's wi-fi network to use the site. They are okay with it, but I just hope to get it up and running by this weekend. Sorry to let you down XGC Bad Company. Don't worry, I will be there soon enough.
Saddly I wish I could be more involved with the clan. My wife however does not want me to do so because she sess this as a giant waste of time and won't let me use my Xbox 360 when she wants to watch Netflix. I don't like that she does not understand what we do here in XGC and last night ended up being a nearly 2 hour long argument of me telling her why I am upset that I was a LT then knocked down to a SGT because i couldn't be on because she doesn't want me to. I just wish she was a Gamer so she could understand what a clan does to those in it. I don't know if I can ever become an Officer again because of her thoughts on it, though I really want to be... I guess I'm stuck where I'm at.
Had my first leadership meeting last night. I like the ideas that fly around and I'm happy I'm leading this place. Gotta love Bad Company and all the ideas we have from our members.