XGC FREAKER XD Jan 1, 1970 Hey Kustomz, you'll need to also change your login information, since you changed your gamertag. To do this, click the below link. It will not go into effect for a day or so. Click here to change your login
Hey Kustomz, you'll need to also change your login information, since you changed your gamertag. To do this, click the below link. It will not go into effect for a day or so. Click here to change your login
XGC FREAKER XD Jan 1, 1970 Hey Kustomz, welcome to Xiled Gaming. It was good to meet you last night at our meeting. Looking forward to playing with you and your bud Klazziks.
Hey Kustomz, welcome to Xiled Gaming. It was good to meet you last night at our meeting. Looking forward to playing with you and your bud Klazziks.