K K KoG xFATHOMx Jan 6, 2012 Fine, don't answer me, I don't need you anymore! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee925OTFBCA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Fine, don't answer me, I don't need you anymore! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee925OTFBCA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
X X XvBigPapavX Jan 6, 2012 ill never do that...it would be disgrace to my nation....which you had loyalty to...until you took an arrow to the knee lol ahaha
ill never do that...it would be disgrace to my nation....which you had loyalty to...until you took an arrow to the knee lol ahaha
X X XvBigPapavX Jan 6, 2012 lol thats not fair, i want diplomatic immunity and sovereignty over the nation of Papa, as well as reparations of the war cost that u caused....
lol thats not fair, i want diplomatic immunity and sovereignty over the nation of Papa, as well as reparations of the war cost that u caused....
X X XvBigPapavX Jan 6, 2012 you used to be a ninja like me....till you took an arrow to the knee....haha