Whats up Miss Tantalizing? Its been awhile since we were in a Game Night Me and XGC XoLuVoBuGoX are holding and Game Night this Wednesday at 10 PM EST!
haha nah I just got online, just made it home from work. Just relaxing for a bit then going to jump on there and see whats going on. Already got tons of invites so im guessing the parties have begun haha
lol yea wasn't a big fan of those maps but I pulled thru and sucked it up haha. whenever you want to get a doubles match going let me know so I can find a team mate. Ill let you pick the game mode and all that next time.
At what time? I think I have to work so I wouldn't be home til around 11pm Eastern. so if your still having it ill be more than happy to jump in your lobby