KoG KiLo69 Mar 23, 2018 Hey Tantiliz, How's everything been going with you? I was just strolling through some old XG stuff and came acrossed this old list. Do you remember being one of my Juggernauts lmao. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?157177-KiLos-JuggerNauts
Hey Tantiliz, How's everything been going with you? I was just strolling through some old XG stuff and came acrossed this old list. Do you remember being one of my Juggernauts lmao. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?157177-KiLos-JuggerNauts
XGC DAJI Mar 22, 2018 Minecraft was fun yesterday lol. Except for the part where I burned my house down by accident lmfao. You should come back to the world sometime soon!
Minecraft was fun yesterday lol. Except for the part where I burned my house down by accident lmfao. You should come back to the world sometime soon!
XGC BUCS XD Mar 14, 2018 So slave #1...is this gonna be a new signature for me? If so, i'll own that too but i'm keeping the "sidechick" one lol
So slave #1...is this gonna be a new signature for me? If so, i'll own that too but i'm keeping the "sidechick" one lol
xyFormal Feb 28, 2018 Some of the most fun I’ve had on that game so far! Thank you for inviting me!