Search results

  1. CalabusD


    Ok, as few of you know me. I am Lt. CalabusD of XGC Ambassador, and I want to get to 50. Yeah, I know a lot of you don't care etc., but I want a team that stratagizes heavily. I want a team that will practice; strats, aiming, and working together. I don't want a rigorous training program or...
  2. CalabusD

    HALO3 1000/1000GS

    So, how many people have their katana? I do...
  3. CalabusD


    THIS IS FOR SINGLE PLAYER ONLY AND CANNOT BE USED ON ANY BLIZZARD SERVERS! TCP/IP connections are the only way to play with other people, and does not effect Blizzards servers in any way shape or from. I was wondering if anyone wanted to play Diablo2 Median with me. I want to play on a TCP/IP...