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  1. X


    hey, i just got 3k gamerscore, is there a 3k club? could you paste the URL? thanks,
  2. X

    ׺°”˜`”°º×ALL THE WAY-NO SCOPES׺°”˜`”°º×

    Hey,Lately I've Been Noticing On youtube, all of the...SH*TTY NO SCOPE MONTAGES!!! Soo.... Ive Decided To Make a thread About 'No Scopes' if any of you play Domination or H.Q. you have probably Been No Scoped.... ever wonder HOW...?well... theirs petty stuff, like standing behind someone and...
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    If You Could change three (1.2.3.) things about COD4 what would they be? myne would be; 1. NEW SKINS!!! 2.More intractable items and movement 3.MORE PLACES TO BE... Theres really only those basic areas you can go to, for example, you have a Rocket/C4 and you throw it at a wall/shoot the...
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    New thread[same thing]; url:
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    NO SCOPE'N 101

    Hey, A very popular skill-(No Scoping) is also very hard to master, no.. im not talking about grabbing a 50 call and running up behind someone and praying that it will hit, i'm talking the old fashioned BOLT ACTION [M40A3,R700] NO SCOPING, i know over 15+ tricks to help you NO SCOPE. what gave...