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  1. H


    User Name/XBL GamerTag: H00D TUNES Clan Name: was KoG Valiant, being transfered ASAP Rank: SGT Gamer Division: KoG Previous Application Date:None Short Description of why you would like to be an Elite: I love to compete. CoD is my life. My uncle KoG Gibz XD recommended it to me.
  2. H


    User Name/XBL GamerTag: H00D TUNES Clan Name: was KoG Valiant, being transfered ASAP Rank: SGT Gamer Division: KoG Previous Application Date:None Short Description of why you would like to be an Elite: I love to compete. CoD is my life. My uncle KoG Gibz XD recommended it to me.
  3. H

    Approved: No Purchase I'D LIKE TO RETURN

    I was a part of XG about a year ago recruited into KoG Good Game by highmindedGIB aka KoG Mr GIB XS. My General was KoG Yfaineiv and i was playing with GIB and my parents. My mom was learning to play CoD and Yfaineiv joined our session and spawn camped us really bad and my mom has never played...