׺°”˜`”°º×ALL THE WAY-NO SCOPES׺°”˜`”°º×

XX Coal XX

New member
Hey,Lately I've Been Noticing On youtube, all of the...SH*TTY NO SCOPE
MONTAGES!!! Soo.... Ive Decided To Make a thread About 'No Scopes' if any of you play Domination or H.Q. you have probably Been No Scoped.... ever wonder HOW...?well... theirs petty stuff, like standing behind someone and trying to quick scope... or theirs the REAL stuff, chances are.. you wanna learn the real stuff... videos on youtube*etc TELL you how to no scope, but rarely SHOW you how to...

Which annoys me because its like telling someone that the wya they do it is right and the way you do it is wrong, plus.. id LOVE to see some of these 'tips' actually work.. Like putting your sensitivity on 10 will boost your skills....WTF!?!?

anyways.... i know about 20 different skills (SKILLS, NOT TIPS!!!!) about no scoping... a few of you probably have been no scoped by me ..(not to be conceded ,just to make a point) and ive gotten a few messages asking me how to do it, to F*CK off, to get a real gun and stop hacking..*etc which is all fine and good, but when people ask me HOW its so hard to TELL you, SHOWING YOU IF SO MUCH EASIER!!!! so... I WILL SHOW YOU!!!!!!
ADD ME GT:XX Coal XX (one space!!!!! 2 X's on each side!!!! XX COAL XX

––––•(-•Everyone Can No Scope... But Only a select few can earn bragging rights for doing it...•-)•––––

Hit Me back,P'ce,
