Boss of the Red

New member
I need a transfer. I need people to play with who are fun. I don't care who or where, I could go to the all girls section if they'll let me. I just want some active, fun, and skilled players. Because pub lobbies kind of...well, suck. Need a regular squad. And I'm a quiet guy, but if you want a yell 'em out guy, I'll be it. Just hit me up and gimme a transfer.

SYN Last Laugh

New member
SYN Nocturnal is an MW3 clan. Message SYN Jack Daniels if you want to put in a transfer to come over here. We'd love to have you. We play together regularly, and are trying to get 3 more people for a competitive squad.

Message me if you want anymore information.


New member
what are your normal play times? Royalty plays MOSTLY at night from 7-4/5. then random peeps are on during the day.

KoG Remix

New member
KoG HellHouse plays MW3 on a daily basis man, we have like 2 or 3 guys that play skyrim off and on, But if you want an 18+ clan like XGC fly on over to HellHouse man.

The Chosen One

New member
Cant really recommend a clan but I notice you have Halo: Reach.

I play halo almost exclusively so if you ever want a few games of that then feel free to hit me up.


New member
KoG HellHouse plays MW3 on a daily basis man, we have like 2 or 3 guys that play skyrim off and on, But if you want an 18+ clan like XGC fly on over to HellHouse man.

X2 on HellHouse bro. We usually have 5-6 players on @ any given time @ nights, w/ 9-10+ @ any given time on weekends. Not uncommon for us to have to play groundwar due to numbers.