XGC dacougs

New member
I want to say, 99.9% of the guys in XGC are friggen awesome and I hope to play with you as I have always done. I have heard of leaders telling people if they play with people who have left XGC then it will impact their own status in XGC. I hope this is not the case. I think that's like saying, "I don't want you to get a taste of anything else or I might lose you." I hope after leaving XGC I am able to keep friendly relations with the members with whom I am friends. HOWEVER, what happened recently which resulted in certain individuals being kicked for no fault of their own has caused me to decide to leave. They did nothing "deliberate" to boost as the honor code prohibits. They did not break the honor code. The "HONOR" has been removed from the "CODE" with how it was enforced. I wish you all nothing but the best.


New member
Don't let the door hit you on your way out, Being a Member of Xiled Gaming is a privilege, The members broke the Honor Code that the community is based on. You don't accidentally get into a lobby, I know people who Host lobbies and it is a set Roster (Hacked Private Match) Not a match making game.

Once you leave Xiled Gaming you cannot return, But I hope for you and the others the grass is greener on the other side.

XGC dacougs

New member
OMG! Deadly 7, this has been debated and explained numerous times. You don't know the individuals that were involved, obviously. They were together, the host clicked on "find Match" and they got into a modded lobby. They backed out quickly and rebooted their xboxes. Two of them had their scores boost as a result and were kicked. I and others have communicated with individuals at Microsoft and they say that this does indeed happen and they are researching what happened in this exact instance. They know who the host was and they will figure it out. They may end up even being able to reset the game stats for the individuals whose stats boosted as a result.

I wish you all the best. I have never been vulgar or rude to any of you, so why throw crap back at me? Shows what type of a person you truly are. Oh well, I just hope you don't end up randomly in a modded lobby and get kicked out of XGC. But I guess since it doesn't happen that way, then you're safe...


New member
The decision for the removal of the members was made by leaders who have been around games for years, It wasn't a coin flip call. Ive been around long enough they are right 99% of the time, Every decision is made for the betterment of the community. I don't care about an Opinion of the truth, Only the members know and they could be telling a tall tail to cover the story and I honestly don't care.

My "snarky" comment is against People who post threads about them leaving, Its cool and you all do what you want but since the forums are a secondary form of communication isn't it overkill? Are you looking for attention? Whats the deal with the threads, We understand your a tad bit upset and think people have been cheated, but if everyone was happy 100% of the time gosh darn Xbox wouldn't be fun.

As I said before, I hope the grass is greener on the other side.

More of a rant on leaving threads than the topic but it ties together.

XGC dacougs

New member
Deadly, note that I did not say where I was going to go, or even if I am going to another community. I wouldn't use XGC forums to recruit to another community. The reason why I posted this thread was to say goodbye to a lot of friends, and explain a little of "why". Nothing more.

Take care,


New member
Believe it or not, no one knows exactly what people are capable of on these xboxs. new programs are written every day. new mods are created on an hourly basis. My dad, formerly XGC xRainFisH of XGC Torment XK has been reading up on these lobbies since this happened to XGC Mudfli. He says he's found a couple people posting to their blogs about creating public prestige lobbies. He says he cant post on here anymore, so he asked me to put this in here.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
first off, anyone is allowed to play with anybody(whether or not they are in XG)... you pay the $50.00 per year to play XBL just like the rest of us... we are here to offer a unique gaming experience, not exclude you from playing with your friends... who you play with doesn't affect how we view you and your abilities, the leaders of XG have been around a while and we can normally spot a good leader/person when we see one... now if you are a leader of XG and you only play with people from another clan, it looks fishy, because you are neglecting the members of your clan, but you can play with people from any clan or lack thereof. i personally have members of CEG, nv(i think, if not i need papa or someone), section 8, and others on my friends list, that i consider to still be friends...

second breaking the honor code is breaking the honor code... no offense to anyone (i wasn't around for the decision but i trust in my fellow leaders to make good decisions), but if you break the honor code unintentionally you have still broken it. if you buy stolen goods, and you don't know that they were stolen guess what, you are still committing a crime. sorry but sometimes life deals us crappy cards. i don't know the 100% situation, but sometimes in life there are lose-lose situations

hope all is well, and i hope you keep your friends that are still in XG... have fun wherever you are going, clan or no clan, that's not important to me... gaming is supposed to be fun, so go and have fun


Community Leader
Just for what it's worth I had nothing to do with the whole situation, but I can tell you this I spent about 3 ours of my life discussing it on Sunday night. We get a little tired of everyone using the same lame excuse about how the leaders are corrupt, don't care about the members, so on so on. Be original say I ****ed up got caught and was removed that I could respect at least, if you only new how much of our lives and time we give to deal with or talk about these situations even after the decision has been made you would think us all insane. I'm sorry you were removed really I am it is the worst part about being a leader, but with out rules and guide lines how could we make gaming fun for everyone in the community?
Buy the way you have 10 post 3 of which are in here why is you wait until your removed to use the forums to communicate with your friends in Xg. My friends are on on my Friends list I don't need to come to the site to tell them anything I just message them on the box. I wish you the best of gaming have some fun for a change, and if you think running a community of any size is all fun it's not it takes a lot of hard work time and commitment from all the leaders good luck with yours or wherever you end up.
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XGC dacougs

New member
Coleslaw and Hammer: I just logged on to see if I still have access and saw that you had replied. Thanks for your friendly nature in your replies. I am sorry, but I must clarify a couple things though. One, the honor code specifically states:

"Honor Code violations consist of trash talking, t-bagging, discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad deranking, or any other aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers. Cheating is defined as any manipulation of online play; this includes, but is not limited to modding, bridging, stand-bying, forcing host, action replay, glitching / super jumping in match making / ranked games to gain an unfair advantage, playing online custom / ranked games with Modders, and circle boosting. Every situation is different and will be handled appropriately on a case by case basis."

See the "case by case"? A case of getting into a random room that is modded and their actions that followed should be handled much differently than a case where a person deliberately gets into a modded lobby to boost to 10th prestige or something. The decision is made however, but please, do not expect someone to say they screwed up and admit fault where none existed.

2nd, regarding why I recently stated posting. This is kind of funny actually. I was in Paradise for over a year and although they were a good group of guys, I rarely had any involvement. I started playing with Mudfli and then went over to help him start rebuilding Perdition and he asked me to become more active on the forums, so I did, about 1 or 2 weeks before this whole incident went down.

That said, like I said before, there are a lot of great people in XGC and you two seem like a couple great guys. I just wish people would quit making assumptions. Keep it real my friends.:D


XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
that fact that we (not me personally but the leaders of XG) spent time dealing with this matter means we treated this situation case by case. unfortunately, there is no way to prove that your friends intentions weren't to boost their score, and there is proof that there scores were boosted. if we were to say, OK even though it clearly shows that you gained rank through a glitch, we'll let you stay. then anyone who was looking at (i don't know that names of the people involved here so i'll call them XGC member) XGC Member's stats would say "Wow, XGC must be a cheating clan" In addition if we let them stay then that would open the floodgate for people thinking about boosting, but use the excuse well i didn't mean to... this glitch/boost is a serious thing, and any manipulation of the game is unacceptable.

I have to reiterate though that i was not involved with the decisions here, and i'm sure that there was more to this story... i'm speaking in generalities and not gaining both sides of the story at this point... i just want to clarify the potential thinking process of the leadership of XG...


Community Leader
Most of the leaders are nice people why else would they give so much of their time to the community on the box or on the site. We post replies to these situations in hopes people (members) will read and understand the processes that are involved with the making of such decisions. Agree or disagree with the outcome and I have done both as most leaders have the majority wins it's what truly makes us unique. You have ten to eighteen members in a party talking about the issue form all sides asking questions the what if's until we as a group come to a decision mostly by vote, and even them we spend hours over the next few weeks discussing it more to trying to make sure we have made the right choice for the entire community. Anyone can speak to our leaders ask to come to the Sunday meeting and give their side of the story in front of the entire leadership present (but few ever do). In the end no one or group is perfect we simply try to do the best job we can for the entire community and enforce the honor code in a firm but fair way. Again I wish you good luck and good gaming.
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