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New member
Yeah so there is supposed to be a age limit for KoG yet we are aloud to change the age limit within our clans. I'm not one to complain but I think we have age limits for a reason for the people who cant join XGC or SYN can come to KoG but if clans in KoG are raising the age of their clan than people will have no where to go. All clans have an age limit for a reason and they should stay that age. I understand I may be one general with a small voice in this community but I feel if I voice my opinion people will start to listen and may understand where I'm coming from
How does the age limit change from clan to clan get approved? and who decides it? Not arguing just trying to spark some thought process here. This is the first I have heard about an age limit change from clan to clan. When I was with SYN Homicidal, being a 16+ clan, we didn't change our age limit, however when we recruited we looked for members 18+, why? We'll not to be unfair but a majority of our current members at the time were 18+ with the average age being around 26. Its hard to game with such a vast spread in age. THIS HOWEVER didn't mean we didn't recruit 16 to 18 years old, nor did it mean we didn't accept.
We just used our recruiting technics to balance out squads out. If we had a group of younger guys who played say "Search", they went to a squad, and if we had a group of older guys who played "DOM" we sent them to another squad.
It's hard to say there's a clan age limit when the age limit in KoG is open to anyone. I agree this may become an issue if it isn't regulated accordingly.


New member
Sorry for not being clear I meant individual clans. I'm not going to name any clans but I'll use mine as an example KoG Leviathan I don't think I should have th right to change my clan "age" limit. It just doesn't seem right. I didnt mean the comuninities in general I ment the individual clans
I gotcha, sorry, I also men't individual clans as well. I guess changing the age requirement for a clan is the concern, who approves this?
Also, as I was saying before, In SYN we did a variation of this, but not limiting certain gamers, just focused our recruiting on certain gamers, IE. 18+ sometimes higher. It just worked better with our current clan members.


New member
As the General running the clan, he or she has the right to get with the leadership of the clan and set a targeted age that they choose to recruit. In KoG, we have a clan that is 18+ only, sections with 16+ majority. It's up to the leader(s) of the clans to choose on who they would like in their clan(s). Not every new recruit is fit for every clan. We have younger squads and clans as well as older squads and clans.


New member
Yes but in the honor code it says any age gamer for KoG. It is not to just Change the age limit. Ben if section leader says it okay. KoG in general is for everybody. Now I understand there are many other KoG clans. But i think it just doesn't look good to a clan if the make restrictions. And again I know I'm a general and my opinion doesn't matter to the leaders so this is why I'm trying to get it out to everybody.

KoG Remix

New member
Being apart of the 18+ Only KoG Clan that FaceUp mentioned, I just want to add that the ability to have a few KoG clans being slightly age based gives the more appeal to new or other members in my opinion. For those members that want to stay in KoG but dont want to hang around with the under-ages, or a division transfer, can still transfer to one of the optional higher age KoG Clans. Not the 18+ in general but they're is also 16+ ones (by choice) and others.


New member
I understand where your coming from but what about the people who aren't 18+. Technically there's is no required age do you could be 2 and wanting to join and you can

I Legiit Ninja

New member
I believe that if KoG clans have the right to set age limits to 16 or that jazz i should be allowed in xgc at 17, just saying. the honor code clearly states any age, so there should not be any restrictions.
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