What are some T.V. Shows out their that need to be taken off air immediately?
I'll start off.

1. Any of the shows to do with pregnant teens

Inked Ivy

New member
Geordie Shore. It makes the people on Jersey Shore look like angels.
& Pretty much anything to ever air on E! channel.

KoG Jehuty

New member
Put it this way, if it is not anime, I find it to be very filthy lol. I barely watch tv anymore, the only thing I like to watch is worlds dumbest or most shocking.

Winna Pegga

New member
jerry springer is what i meant, its always the same thing. maury has some good topics once in a while but another removal should be the young and the restless

SYN T1ckle

New member
In the most respectable way bankshot you're dumb!haha Tosh.0 is friggin amazing! everything said about talk shoes pregnant teens and top gear USA should all be canceled! And another show is keeping up with the kardashians no doubt they are hot but they are annoying drama queens and attention whores! Lol


New member
I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned Toddlers & Tiaras.

With all the controversy over it, & the fact that you all named the other bad shows I could think of, I figured, "Oh what the heck."