New member
i would play bf3 alot more if there werent so many bad lobbies you have to wave through to get to the good ones with RENT-A-SERVER

KoG Dayze2

New member
Look for Xiled Inc. It's a lobby created by Canni6le from XGC Titans. If you want BF3 players, talk to Canni6le, myself, XGC Abstract, or even KoG Dovakien.

xx Eraser x

New member
i love playing bf3, lvl 90 colonel, always looking for squad mates to play with. the more players that i no that can PTFO, the better chances there are at winning


New member
XGC Titans has a squad that is about to split into a Battlefield squad. We have a server on BF3 titled Xiled Gaming Communities. Its classic maps and the game modes are Rush and TDM. C4nni6al is the owner of the server and will be the Captain of the squad when it is official next week. Titans are always looking for members in the community to play BF3 with. Add C4nni6al or myself on XBL if anyone is looking for some squadmates