
New member
Hey what up everyone?! I'm pretty new to the COD world and played a lot of SOCOM US Navy seals online on Playstation. But this COD thing in new to me...just want some quick pointers on how to up my K/D ratio if anyone has any tips? Is there certain games that help this? I'm on the second Prestige and am still learning some things, but of course I'll take advice from whoever has more experience! Thanks


New member
Im about as far as you but i learned that working with your team and locking down a spot or constant communication with your team. my KD has gone way up with the communication skills that i am continuing to learn still. i could use some tips too if you have any??

The Chosen One

New member
People that care about K/D are usually terrible at whatever game they are playing.

My advice would be to stop caring about it and instead focus on improving on he core aspects of the game.

iTz Grimmj0w

New member
play with your team,work with your team and grow with your time the rest will fall into place.your kd is just a bunch of numbers


New member
KD ratio is probably the least important thing in cod what's the point of getting 20-1 kills in domination or capture the flag and still lose the game run the objectives or defend nobody like a kill whore unless they can keep the enemy team respawning the whole game but being as your new to cod just play the game


New member
DUty is a great team based game.Best way to improve your kd is to play with a full team that all has headsets and communicate.Also while playing anything you can do to not show up on radar do it. Use your silencers! Always have a betty or claymore behind wherever you are to cover your trail. Also investing in a nice turtle beach headset will give you an advantage of hearing all around you. Every little bit helps.

XGC Dragon Skin

New member
Yeah full teams definitely help in the KD realm. I give the suggestion of playing Free For All if you want your personal KD to go up. Any game with objectives it is hard to focus on KD and still win the game with a team.

XGC GunNut

New member
I would have to agree, the best way to play this game is with your/a team. If you want personal K/D to go up, play FFA.