
New member
Zombies pros : It's fun building the parts for the gun/steam and whatever else there is. Also the pack - a - punch perk is the best *__*

Zombies cons : It can get a bit boring in the higher rounds cause it takes more bullets to kill them.

kitty tutu

New member
Zombies pro: great way to build communication skills and it's always fun to collect the parts and try out new strategies.
Zombies con: going down with amazing pack a punched guns and all of your perks. :(

Multiplayer pro: meeting new people and getting gold guns!
Multiplayer cons: 24/7 campers. :(

CSTX Roid Rage

New member
Zombie Pro: Its all together fun killing zombies and trying to see if you can get higher than friends or beat your old record ;)
Zombie Con: The ranking system is the weakest I've ever seen. You get your blue eyes one day... The next day they are gone if you don't play >:|