KoG x BugZ XS
New member
1. Type of Banner XD Forum Banner
2. Name and Additional Text KoG Drifdar XD, Fill the Dash, 35
3. Theme of Banner Planet(s) in space theme
4. Color Scheme I will leave the colors to the designer, but I would like the number 35 to be blue
I would prefer the planet(s) in the center, my name on one side, and The number 35 and Fill the Dash on the other.
I am including a copy of my SYN banner as inspiration/ guidance for basically what I want. Thank you.
Requested by: KoG Drifdar XD
Filled by: Kog x BugZ XS
IMG Code:
I hope you like your XD banner and feel free to leave me some feedback in my design team forum if you have time. I would appreciate it!