New member
For the better part of a year and 8 months, I was a successful, dedicated KoG section leader. As time passed, those who I had spent most of my XG career with began to move up in the rank structure and gain responsibilities of their own, and because we were all leaders, we had less and less time to spend with each other. I guess things became a little stale after 3 and a half years. Then, as my mother would put it; I started hanging out with the wrong people. I was given the typical speech on why I should leave and go elsewhere and why this new community would be the cat's meow. So, For the first (and last) time, on June 9th, 2012 I made the mistake of leaving XG to pursue what I was promised would be greener pastures. As many who have left know, these other communities can never deliver on their promises. I began to miss XG, which brings me to write this plea. I would like nothing more than to return to KoG to see my old friends, and meet some new ones. I want to help the community in any way I am able to.
I left back in June to join a community called "Valiant Nation". I had a few "friends" over there, people who i've known for years, people who recruited me, played with me, people who at one point in time I looked up to and respected, only to discover that people certainly change over time. Including me. I realised that I had changed. The people I hung around with years ago were no longer the people that made me happy. I was promised happiness and joy in a relaxed, stable, laid back environment where I could be free to do as I please. After a short time, I began to realise the horrible mistake I had made. I realised that my unhappiness and complacency was not caused by Xiled Gaming or the people within, but weaknesses in my own personal composition such as jealousy and insecurity. After becoming aware of my own personal faults I began to fix them. Once I was straightened out, I decided that this place of anarchy and poor decision making could not compare to Xiled Gaming.
So, what sets Xiled Gaming apart from all the wannabes that spring up every other day? What makes me want to return to this community? First up is the rock solid, stable leadership that governs Xiled Gaming with a firm but fair approach, keeping the trash out and ensuring that Xiled Gaming remains an oasis of friendly, respectable people amongst the vast desert of cruel, unkind people that is Xbox Live. Second, is the tried and true foundation of the Honour Code and Rank Structure. These two items have barely changed in the past 6 years but still remain so relevant even today. Xiled Gaming has an established order that keeps things running smoothly and efficiently on all fronts. XG is simply unmatched as gaming communities go.
I left back in June to join a community called "Valiant Nation". I had a few "friends" over there, people who i've known for years, people who recruited me, played with me, people who at one point in time I looked up to and respected, only to discover that people certainly change over time. Including me. I realised that I had changed. The people I hung around with years ago were no longer the people that made me happy. I was promised happiness and joy in a relaxed, stable, laid back environment where I could be free to do as I please. After a short time, I began to realise the horrible mistake I had made. I realised that my unhappiness and complacency was not caused by Xiled Gaming or the people within, but weaknesses in my own personal composition such as jealousy and insecurity. After becoming aware of my own personal faults I began to fix them. Once I was straightened out, I decided that this place of anarchy and poor decision making could not compare to Xiled Gaming.
So, what sets Xiled Gaming apart from all the wannabes that spring up every other day? What makes me want to return to this community? First up is the rock solid, stable leadership that governs Xiled Gaming with a firm but fair approach, keeping the trash out and ensuring that Xiled Gaming remains an oasis of friendly, respectable people amongst the vast desert of cruel, unkind people that is Xbox Live. Second, is the tried and true foundation of the Honour Code and Rank Structure. These two items have barely changed in the past 6 years but still remain so relevant even today. Xiled Gaming has an established order that keeps things running smoothly and efficiently on all fronts. XG is simply unmatched as gaming communities go.
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