XGC Joven

New member
I think it will be a hit. I mean, All of them have really. But with everything that they are putting into this apparently, It should be one of the best Call of Duties to date.


New member
Im definitely excited about the small features they are putting in like the slide and lean feature plus the game modes maybe be better for spawn trapping bit I definitely think it'll be better for clans and to actually have a stratgey instead of just running around. The customization features I hope they cater more to clans than just trying to dress up your character id like to see clan colors, tags ans camp that you can unlock in elite plus with double xp and calling cards. Clans are becoming even bigger and I think this cod should take advantage of it just like mw3 with the clan tags and calling cards. I think with this being implemented in the customization it'll not only make clans more organized but also clan matches differentiating the clans as their own entity instead of just giving us prefabricated things they made, these are the things I feel will make this cod better than the rest.

XGC Ensoul

New member
Does anyone know if there will be throwing knifes, combat axes, or ect..?? Also I haven't heard much about party games either?