

New member
I have thought about this a lot and i have only come up with one reason to camp..... I have to say that the only acceptable reason to camp is when you are sniping!!...

Do you agree?

What are your thoughts??

XGC Layzie

New member
sniping yea ok but i know how to run and snipe at. no need to sit still. only reason i truly find is acceptable is when your negative and camping to get positive to help your team

XGC Afina

New member
I'm pretty sure there's a vast difference between defending a spawn area and just flat out camping in a corner fishing for kills on anything that moves. I think it's pretty tactical to snipe in one spot for a little bit before shifting your position to keep your enemies guessing. I'm talking TDM-wise on that note. Camping can be acceptable on objective-based game modes like Demolition and Search & Destroy, where it's really just what you need to do in order to win. I don't mind it as long as I'm not being spawn trapped up the nines, because sometimes I just can't break a spawn trap and that's where I start getting frustrated. =/
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New member
The max amount of time i will typically stay in one spot is (maybe?) 3 seconds. After that, I'm ghost. I'm the run 'n' gun type. Never really did camp.


New member
Played a match of TDM and literally everyone minus 2 were camping. That's a little overboard. I would say sniping only but still move around at least a little. Otherwise you just become a target.


New member
Camping is all part of this game. Accept that some people are campers and you will find the game far more enjoyable. When you spot a camper tell others to zero in on him/her and make it a funner game.
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kitty tutu

New member
There are some really great snipers that don't camp. :p But I do it. hahaha. For a second, I thought that you were gonna talk about actual camping. like in the wilderness.