r0b1n CaN BR

New member
How the freak do you get it less than 20 seconds?

I mean sure, Ive got close, 20.2, but no matter what I do I cant get it under 20!!!!!

If you could, please post tips, that may help shorten the time.

I know in te very beginning (soot the 3 targets with m5) than you can shoot two targets with a few shot... (beacuse they are in a direct line...)

But other than acuracy is there anything else you can do to shorten the time?


New member
accuracy! it's all about acuracy, one shot per target to take them down! and un like heck dude. just don't do like i was doing at first and flash bang yourself, i had trouble at first but i finally got it after about an hour of trying.

XGC Halcyon

New member
18 seconds. heres a tip. use the infinite ammo cheat if you got it. if not when you run out of an mp5 magazine, dont reload it, use your pistol instead, its quicker to draw out

XGC Kyuketsuki

New member
The way I did it was to turn up the volume so it was easy to tell when I killed the targets, then quick scope (tap left trigger) while firing in busts. Tap again when you hear that the target was eliminated always moving toward next objective.

XGC Killin

New member
i got mine in 18 i used both guns so when i ran out of the mp5 (halfway through) i just used the other gun that i had and got it


New member
Ey man I got 17 sec in about 5 tries best thing I can tell ya is memorize the place and rdy your flash bangs for when u have to use um aka cook helped me see how it does you gl

KoG Cross

New member
You know when you get the G36 in the beginning, keep that, then switch out your pistol for the MP5, jump the rope and shoot all with either gun, then when the gun you are using gets low or has to reload, use the MP5, i got it in 18 seconds flat.

XGC Deathsiege

New member
it didnt take me very long its quite easy, and after i did it i found out that there r videos on youtube showing people doing it in like 11 seconds, and their ways of doing it r quite good