New member
As many of you may already know, XGC DECIEVABLE recently went through a long awaited clan spilt, giving birth to the latest XGC clan XGC BI0 HAZARD. Many of our rank are very active on CoD 4 so what XGC EVENSTAR (Cpt.) and myself came up with is that instead of displaying what clan we belong to in CoD 4's "CLAN TAG" feature found under the "BARRACKS" option, is to simply designate and make easily public your rank.

ex:. [Gen.] [Cap.] [Lt.] [Sgt.] [Pvt.] and for those of who are a RECRUIT, [REC.]

For many reasons this has been and will hopefully continue to be beneficial to the growth of BI0 HAZARD as we are currently recuiting as many quality gamers as posible to build back up our ranks.

The convenience of doing this is that when you have a recruit that is primarily a CoD 4 resident-gamer, he/she will have the ability to instantly recognize rank without the ramifications of sending a message or asking a question during game-play or within a lobby filled with people unaware of what is being asked and could possibly take away from the game.

If you are a member of XG who is interested in recruiting, then I sugest that you addopt this system.

We here at XGC are aware that HALO 3 has been a reliable source of recruits, mainly because we can more readily bring them into the community due to the fact that we hold meetings and weekly practices on Halo 3. Hopefully, we can branch off to holding (scheduled) weekly meetings and practice on CoD 4 as well as HALO 3....

Another point, XGC or XG in general has been active on HALO 3 for a while now, there are members of the gaming community not affiliated with XG or any of its divisions or clans that the idea of joining XG has maybe lost a slight bit of its luster.

Don't get me wrong, please keep up the work and doing what you are doing, but lately CoD 4 is where it's at as far as recruiting is concerned. Mainly because there are so many gamers who play CoD 4 who are unaware of XG or what we stand for that it is EXTREMELY fresh to them. So far, in the past few weeks or so, I alone have recruited at least 6 good, quality gamers into the community off of CoD 4.

I realize I may have gone off on a tangent on the issues involving CoD 4's recruiting prowess but what I would like to instill upon those of you who decide to read this thread is that I believe the "CLAN TAG" option on CoD 4 can be EXTREMELY, AWESOMELY helpful if you fallow XGC EVENSTAR's and my lead and take the initiative.

Good luck and game on....



New member
It would seem as though they both definitely get the job done. It all boils down to personal/clan preference as well as what your priorities are. Again in Bio, we are needing to recruit alot so it seems that this system of rank designation helps leaps and bounds.

Bullet's way of going about this could possibly help recruits as well as gamers within our walls who, may be aware of rank, but curious as to were you call home on our forums.

Although it is slightly different, I'm glad to see that we are at least thinking similarly. Hopefully, it pays off.

with little douche-baggery,


XGC Dr Gonzo

New member
Hey whats going on... Ithink both ideas serve distinct purposes as what just said... for thos eof you who are familiar(Unlike I), the second recomondation sounds more understandable for socializing within the vast call of duty lobby's. As for the first idea I believe it would cause an instant recognition system that uniforms all XGC players within CoD4.

My two cents, on that is all. B.T.W. I am a Call of Duty Recruit and XGC sounded quite tempting, so Iam living proof to your theory on the Call of Duty Game.


New member
Good to know.

I agree, BULLETH3AD made a good point.

Gonzo, don't ever think that just because you may not have all the facts or have the aptitude to debate that your opinion becomes invalidated. We, here In XG are far beyond being just an online community, but verge on becoming much like a family unit.

Your views and opinions are as valid and wanted as mine or anyone else's regardless of rank or service record within or outside this growing and vast community. If ever you find yourself - or notice that another poster - mentioning - his/her - positing inferiority remind yourself - or them, whichever the case may be - that this is not true....

Good luck and keep up the good work.


XGC Dr Gonzo

New member
Well I am currently using the Clan Tag XG-r in CoD4 to show my recruit status in Xiled Gaming. If anyone else wishes to use this method to show recruit status, I will recognize right away. I have noticed XGC Jurisdiction uses JURI so it seems everyone is doing what works for their group in particular.


New member
That's what it's all about. Doing what works! What may work may differ from person to person (squad to squad - clan to clan - division to division - and so on...) but as long as it works then i feel my job here as informant has been fulfilled. Not that I'm done, not by a long shot. I believe that I have several usefully ideas to share and hope others carry on this 'informata so to find new and more innovative ways to fully unite XG as a whole....

Good luck guys!

SYN Ashley

New member
I have my guys use the basic [XGC] in front of their gamer tag, and display their clan and rank in their gamer motto.


New member
i am a meber of XGC WARLORDS, we all use the clan tag on COD4 = XGWL
I was recruited through COD4, although I had met a couple of XGC mambers from H3.

Warlords isn't very big yet so it's easy for me to remeber the ranks but we play on a daily basis and have weekly meeting and regular practices in COD4 so we are a pretty tight nit clan.

I like how the higher members use designations like XL,XS, XD for easy designation on section leaders and division leaders, I am looking forward to adding XGC infornt of my gammertag when i become a seargent.

I think it would be helpfull for all games and to create some uniformity that a ranking designation be added to the end of the gamer tag, obviously you can't change you tag untill you are a seargent but then you could put G, C, L, or S at the end to destinguish ranks plus it would be visible in any game being played. obviously anyone without that designation would be a privat or recruit, i'm not sure if everyone would be willing to dish out the 800 MS points every time they were promoted but i would.

SYN Untraceable

New member
Personally, people in my old clan Pitbulls we would put [XG] in front of are name... ex. ([XG]SYN Untraceable)... advertising for all the community

SYN Stallion

New member
I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you, but I use a method I stole from XGC Wolf Pack. This method works to achieve what you do as well as showing other aspects. Our tags are RGS1. Now some vary, but RG would stand for our clan Renegade. The S would be the rank Sergeant. As for the number, it would be the squad of the current member. I have found this method to be extremely helpful. Although I have been debating switching a letter/number to represent a firing squad. This means that when you are playing with your team you could have FS (firing squad) 1 hold Charlie and FS 2 hold Bravo.