Denied: Do Not Recruit COMING BACK TO XGC

X Musician X

New member
hi all i left xgc quite a long time ago due to pressure and family difficulties but recently on coming back to xbox live i joined a gaming community called SLAUGHT3RHOUS3 and within a day i made general position for the uk division i guess you can say i found it a little too much and now want to see what is available for me and if i can get back in here.

Was in Sovereign general was XGC Boss
my current gamer tag CarpetbagBrush
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KoG Kisses

New member
His section leader was XGC OFFBAS3 XS.
He was in XGC Sovereign.
Sorry I just came across this because I was looking at another member that was trying to come back to us and saw this. I was his Captain at the time.